


(ヘミングウェイ『日はまた昇る』 大久保康雄訳 新潮文庫、1955年(1989年改版))

He was the archivist, and all the archives of the town were in his office. That has nothing to do with the story. (...)
I knelt and started to pray and prayed for everybody I thought of, Brett and Mike and Bill and Robert Cohn and myself, and all the bull-fighters, separately for the ones I liked, and lumping all the rest, then I prayed for myself again, and while I was praying for myself I found I was getting sleepy, so I prayed that the bull-fights would be good, and that it would be a fine fiesta, and that we would get some fishing. (...)
...and then I was out in the hot sun on the steps of the cathedral, and the forefingers and the thumb of my right hand were still damp, and I felt them dry in the sun.
In a little while I had six. They were all about the same size. I laid them out, side by side, all their heads pointing the same way, and looked at them. They were beautifully colored and firm and hard from the cold water. It was a hot day, so I slit them all and shucked out the insides, gills and all, and tossed them over across the river.
The bill always came. That was one of the swell things you could count on.
We turned sharply out to the side of the road to give room to pass to a long string of six mules, following one after the other, hauling a high-hooded wagon loaded with freight. The wagon and the mules were covered with dust.
"I got hungry and woke up."
"Eat some soup," Bill said.
The three of us sat at the table, and it seemed as though about six people were missing.

(THE SUN ALSO RISES by Ernest Hemingway
https://gutenberg.ca/ebooks/hemingwaye-sunalsorises/hemingwaye-sunalsorises-00-h.html#chapter214 )

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