


As a whole, savageness and ambiguity, and narrative stimulated me.


From here I warn of the stories spoilers.
・野蛮さ Savageness


A too delicate ending of Book ⅩⅩⅣ. Some rate it as an unnecessary part to place there.


Odysseus went back to his home island, and massacred any young notables who had been pursuing his wife. (honto kowai hanashi da...)

 この虐殺はじつに残酷で、『ヒストリエ』の作者が書いた『寄生獣』の殺戮シーンもかくや、という凄惨さなのだが、当然というべきか殺戮された側の親族が殴り込みをオデュッセウス達にかける。5 主人公の父ラウルテスの放った矢が、カチコミ集団の統率者であるところのアンティノウスの父親の頭部を貫き、そこへ守護神のアテナがもうやめましょう、と仲裁して終わる。6

This bloodshed is cruel indeed and I wonder it woule be at least so grisly as the multicide scene of a comic "Parasyte" created by the author of comic "HISTORIE". And by rights, moving into a current, the family whose kins were killed tries to break into odysseus' tribe.
An arrow which Laertes the father of our hero released penetrated piercingly the head of Antinous's father who was a leader of the attacking nexus, and thereto the tutelary goddes of wisdom Athena mediated into the peace and the story ends.

 和平で終わるところが富野御大の代表作を思わせる。9 が、それはそれとして、善悪のハッキリしない、もやっと終わるところが、一神教の物語と一線を画すな、と。10

These consecutive affairs of a nexus. Are similar to the episode that Prometheus, who had provided men with wisdom called fire, was suffering the punishing discipline that he had his liver eaten by the eagles everyday according to Zeus' furious anger, then the liver picking birds were shot dead by Hercules, to end up in amiable settlement between Zeus and Prometheus.
A way in which the stories close out as a peace after parleys, remind me (or us) of one of the outstanding works by Tomino the maestro. Putting that aside, I appreciate this vague closing that never has tastes just like to be willing to be judged right or wrong by readers, as a stuff to make a depature from some of rigid stories of monotheism type thinking.


"Odyssey" has a similar taste to "Chushingura"("The Loyal Leage") in their compositions, but in the former overkill of hero's side is focused, at least it can be read as if that problem exists.


I settle for the default looting actions because of antiquity, but those hero's side  slaughtered, admitting they were the vice fellows, had not killed anyone around odysseus especially. On the other hand preserving never-say-die Odysseus, without making an honest buck, lives on wars or incursions into the other communities to spoil when short of.

 ここからは強引な推論ですが、そもそも松明のような光を放つ頭部の乞食が、偶々オデュッセウスの秘密を嗅ぎ付けたその辺の口が異様に上手いちんぴらかもしれない。15 あるいはオデュッセウスと昵懇にしていた戦友である可能性も否定できない。16 貞淑な妻も薄々他人とわかりつつ寸劇を展開して不逞の輩を全員ブチ殺したと思われる節も(原事実においては)なくはないというか、ありうる線だな、と。17

I start here a rough deduction. In the first place, the beggar whose head shines like a torch might be a cheap hoodlum who has dug up the secret of Odysseus and is a clever speaker with a silver tongue. Otherwise, there still is a possibility that he is/was a war buddy of Odysseus. The virtuous wife of Odysseus, who knew half  vaguely that he was not his husband, might have performed small dramas to pave the road to the massacre of all bad blood with it. This theory is just only a reasoning without promise (like "Panic in Movie Theateres" by Mr. Egashira), but is also possible as an original event of this story and has a right to be said or chatted.


Whatever the case may be, in point of ripping off fortune of the other people without doing front-door works like agriculture or keeping animals, sparkers to be killed as private punishment, beggars, our hero Odysseus, are all the same breed, not so different. Such as told above, sort of, this dispassionate angle and light may have "Book ⅩⅩⅣ" the 24th song be connoted in the whole epic "Odyssey", at least as one of the reasons of its existance, which is interpreted along with world-view of polytheism type thinking supposed to be the background.

(2014.3.2 加筆:アポロドートス『ギリシア神話』には、オデュッセウスが妻の不義を咎めてぶち殺すという異説が挙げられている。 20未 なんとも凄まじい。 21 また、同著では大虐殺の犠牲者側の名前が列挙されているので、リアリティとともに喚起される感情がひとによってはあるかもしれない。 22 んなもん、不在にしてたんだから誰がどこまで悪いとか判らんでしょうに。 23)

(2014.3.2 touched up: Apollodoros' "Greek Mythos"("Biblioteke") reports a different story that Odysseus murdered his wife to blame her for infidelity. Horrendous he is indeed. Plus, some might be aroused a certain kind of feeling, with some kind of sense of reality, by presence of the list in the book of the fatal victom names of the massacre in question.  Hell, he must have been unfamiliar with the context that who is evil and to what degree they each are so. Because Odysseus was absent from there.

・両義性 ambiguity

 人に長たるエウマイオス→独身でうだつのあがらない、老いた豚飼い。 24 堅忍不抜のオデュッセイア→血の気が多くて最終的には与太たちの皆殺し(女含む)を問答無用で敢行。 25 など、形容詞のミニマルで皮肉なユーモアに富んだ使い方が大きな特徴。26 ゲシュタルト崩壊と言葉の多義性を体験させてくれる。27

Eumaeus the chief leading others → An old and single swineherd(pig breeder), not getting promoted. Preserving Never-say-die Odysseus → Full-blooded and at last pressed ahead with the extermination of the yobs including girls, without questions and answers. Like those, "Oddysey" has a big feature in the way of using adjectives minimally with humor of irony. This epic verse gives us experiences of "gestaltzerfall" and equivocality of a language.

 加えて、ラストシーンの女神による仲裁が長続きせずに、ポリュペモスに発するポセイドン(ポセイダオン)の呪いが持続し、故郷イタケをあとにして再び主人公が旅に出る、というルートへの伏線も張られていると見ることは、一定の妥当性があるだろう。28 呪いはかくかくしかじかの行為によって解かれるよ、という予言がひとつふたつ或いはみっつある。29
In addition, it would be have certain validity to assume that Athena's reconciliation between them does not continue long and Poseidon's curse to Odysseus caused by blind mono-eye Polyphemus does still and hence our hero leaves his home island Ithake(Ithaki) behind and embarks on a new journey again, and alluding foreshadowing to such a route exists in the book. There is or are one or two or three oracle(s) that the curse is to be lifted by the actions bla-bla-bla.

 いずれにせよ、第二十三歌のハッピーエンドを待望するような単一的で勧善懲悪な価値観からは距離のある物語であることが重要であり、(古典でありながら)存外知られていない、というのが自分の意見。30 一般的にはヒーローの漂流譚と認識されており、仇敵の殺戮もあまり知られていないのでは。31 特に日本では。32
Anyway, the important thing is that this epic poem is a story far from a simple sense or philosophy to await a happy ending of the 23th song (and underestimate the last part), and I note this aspect has not been understood widely, inspite of its classic-ness. This is cognized popularly as a tale of heroic drift, and the genocide of his rivals is supposed to be virtually unknown or not so public, I guess. Maybe possible to say so especially in Japan at least, I don't know.
After we take these classics into consideration, it may become easier to comprehend more deeply, for example, the very last part of "The Lord of the Rings" which had been supposed to be afterglow, or "Triton of the sea" by our Maestro Tomino.
It is colorful that "The Lord of the Rings" has a structure that can be represented as an adventure to abandon One Ring against its magical charm. 

・語り口 narrative
 豚飼いエウマイオスと、たしか一子テレマコスに話しかける(イリアスではメネラオスとパトロクロス)。35 これはゲームブック(ゲームノベル)の「君は」という話しかけと似ている。また、村上春樹『海辺のカフカ』にも。36
Swineherd Eumaeus and, maybe an only child Telemachus were spoken to by the teller. (In "Iliad" Menelaus and Patroclus.)  I perceive this manner is favored by addressing the players in gamebooks(gamenovels) such as "You..." Alos too in "Kafka on the shore" by Haruki Murakami whose books some like and others have each single complex and indisposed stand or feeling.

 ホメロス自身が前面に出て語ることは無い。37 ということでたとえばヘシオドス『神統記』、あるいは近代ヨーロッパ小説や日本の私小説と対照的。38 といえるか。39
 加えて、作者の価値判断が一意に示されることも控えめ。40 というかほぼ無い。41
There is no part where Homer tells his thought at the front end. So, this epic poetry contrasts to, say, Hesiod "Theogony", or Europian modern novels and Japanese I-novels. There is also a wondering tone if this is possible to advocade.
Plus, the writer(s) can be said to tend to refrain from emitting his value judgement. Or perhaps I could say at just about anytime he never shows his own.

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